When the voice in your head isn’t simply negative self-talk
Written by Yuliya Cohen   
Friday, December 20, 2019

May everyone be surrounded by love and laughter as we enter the holiday season with approaching 2020, a season full of happy festive voices. However, sometimes the voices that you hear in your head, aren’t always so festive and happy, even when surrounded by friends and loved ones. You may get stuck in a negative self-talk, and some of you may even feel that the voices you’re hearing aren’t yours. You may be surprised to know that the kind of voices you hear, depends on how embodied you are. This is why it’s so important that you’re on this path of self-healing and self-growth,  finding wholeness, presence and energy mastery through superior Energy Restructuring tools. 

If You Are Hearing Voices - You Are Out

In fact, some people, are so energetically displaced out of their body, that the voices they hear can become really intrusive, and feel foreign. 

We might say someone is ‘hearing voices’ if you hear a voice when no-one is present with you, or when those around you can’t hear it. It's common to think that if you hear voices you must have a mental health problem.  I have a different perspective... 

Instead, in my practice as an intuitive healer and and an Energy Restructuring coach, I explore with clients, energetic/spiritual dimensions to their experiences. In the process, I encourage them to develop their own awareness of those dimensions. Energetic dimensions introduce elements of intuition and creativity, that help one understand, deal with, and resolve, problems around symptoms that one may experience…  such as voices.

I came to understand that, a major reason people hear voices, is because part of their energy is displaced out of their body upwards. It literally looks as if there was an antenna extended on top of their head, that tunes into other energies. So, I asked my  client, a talented artist, who has to deal with this challenge, to draw for me what this experience looks like to her. She sent me the two pictures above. Along with the pictures she wrote:

"The two pictures I just sent, are about what it looks like when I am getting displaced out of my body, and that is when I hear voices. The first picture is what you explained to me as an Antenna, but this is how I saw it. It is like a tunnel, where when you get displaced out, part of your energy goes out with you."

I responded, 

“The way you saw it is exactly right. There is a vortex in that tunnel, and it pulls you out. It is amazing that you saw it so accurately. What is the second picture?  I think you are seeing the bottom part of the antenna/vortex?" 

She replied back, 

Yes, the second picture is what it looks like when I look up. Also, when it happens, I have severe pain on the top of my head - Iknow there’s connection again to the voices."

Your Intuition is Also A Voice

People have many different experiences of hearing voices. Some people don't mind their voices, or even invite those voices in, as part of their own spiritual experiences. The voice of  my own intuition speaks softy in my ears. The major difference is that the voices of intuition don’t come with a vortex pulling you out. The other kind of voices, people find irritating or distracting, even oftentimes intrusive and frightening. In struggling to fight those voices off, they oftentimes end up blocking everything, including the voice of their own intuition.  

So, this holiday season, let’s take it upon ourselves to raise our energy intelligence in order to become our fully embodied selves. The more embodied we are, the more we’ll be surrounded by joyful and supportive voices inside and out. An easy first step in this direction, for those who aren’t familiar with it yet, is my free energy bubble mindfulness meditation (https://yuliyabubblemeditation.gr8.com/). It's simple yet profoundly powerful and magical, enabling you to shield yourself from the stresses and challenges of life - allowing you to feel safe and centered, anytime, anywhere.

As interesting side-note, according to a Russian psychiatrist that I follow, eating a low-calorie meatless diet, may result in an undernourished, malfunctioning, brain... she suggests a full calorie, full-ranged diet. Therefore, eat your heart out this holiday season, in a fully embodied way!

With love and light,


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