From Art of Healing to Artist Reborn: ACEP 2023 Presentation on Complex PTSD, Trauma and Transformation
Written by Administrator   
Friday, April 28, 2023

Today, nearly 1 billion people live with a mental disorder. Acquiring skills to understand the energetic basis for this sort of vulnerability and how to resolve it is an important direction in EP practitioner's education, particularly for those who are working with PTSD.

How is this presentation relevant to the conference objectives?

This learning lab, "From Art of Healing to Artist Reborn," profoundly aligns with the conference title, "The Art & Science of Transformational Change." Using the innovative methods of Energy Restructuring, it aims at igniting the transformational change urgently needed to effectively address the global mental health epidemic.

The presentation is designed around a real-life case study of a complete recovery from C-PTSD. A Hong Kong talented pop star and composer sustained multiple exposure traumas, such as childhood racial and later sexual orientation bullying, traumatic losses of family connections. After his crash 8 years ago during a recording session for his new album, he further endured public humiliation by paparazzi.

In the video below, Pong details a personal account of his healing journey to recovery.

He experienced self-organization disturbances, such as excessive or heightened emotional responses expressed as anger and drinking, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, continuous panic attacks, twitching, intense tension headaches, social isolation, inability to sleep, eat, drive, or exercise. He became unable to sing as well as write lyrics or music for his songs.

During the two years that followed, he pursued assistance from renowned doctors and spiritual teachers alike. While under the care of a leading Hong Kong psychiatrist, he found himself on a regimen of seven medications and received a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. This psychiatrist informed Pong that he would never regain his creative abilities and that he should accept this reality and learn to live an ordinary life. In the spiritual realm, a teacher he sought for healing guidance suggested that Pong's issues were rooted in his ego and his ambitious drive to excel as a performer and artist. This teacher posited that if Pong abandoned his ambitions and focused on charitable efforts, his trauma would somehow be healed. Essentially, both the medical and spiritual worlds proposed an "ego death" as a solution for a man whose ultimate purpose is to inspire global healing and transformation.

This presentation aligns with the spirit of the conference to support those struggling for freedom through trauma healing. Pong's healing journey has now become a foundation for his leadership, resilience, and breakthrough artistic expression that reaches out, touches, and inspires the people of struggling Hong Kong. This is an opportunity to offer his message to a wider audience as he has been banned from Chinese-backed Hong Kong media.

What will be taught?

The learning lab's goal is to demonstrate how trauma survivors can fully self-transform their disconnected relationship with their bodies and learn to feel safe and powerful more than ever before. This will be done by teaching mindfulness-based energy restructuring tools and practices. Such practices are based on scientific principles as well as universal energetic principles and structures grounded in ancient traditions and adapted to solve modern mental health problems.

Special emphasis will be placed on two foundational energetic principles and structures that are currently underutilized and must be added to practitioners' toolboxes of EP practices:

  1. Activated membraned bio-field, illuminated through the Mystery school teachings, which holds, tracks, and recovers lost energy and parts almost instantly and with ease.
  2. Four Energy Gate mechanism that regulates dissociation and lays at the backbone of all the major spiritual traditional practices.

Immersive exercises will be offered to illustrate the workings of those structures along with the information on underlying theories and practices. By the end of the presentation, each person will be able to increase their inventory of effective fundamental techniques they can use in their practice and self-care.

Furthermore, participants' experiences will be enhanced with visuals of the artist's music videos, which are inspired by his healing journey. Pong's first comeback song, "To Live," symbolizes his revival of the parts that gave up on life. It is inspired by parts work and the resolution of his suicidal ideations. The song's imagery portrays the story of his inner Hero's Journey through the mystical states of altered consciousness towards discovering his personal power. At the same time, the song echoes the struggle of Hong Kong democracy.

Another powerful video is for the song "Doctor I Ain't Sick," which addresses the doctor who told him to give up on his gifts. The song is a powerful testament to Pong's resilience and determination to overcome the challenges he faced.

The lyrics of the song, available in English and included here, express Pong's frustration with the doctor's diagnosis and the societal expectations that contributed to his mental health struggles. The song features powerful verses that question the traditional definitions of health and the structures that perpetuate a narrow understanding of mental wellness.

By incorporating the music videos and lyrics into the presentation, attendees will gain a deeper appreciation of Pong's journey and the transformative power of healing through Energy Restructuring. The presentation aims to inspire and empower practitioners to use these methods in their work with clients, helping trauma survivors reclaim their lives and embrace their unique gifts and talents.

Unraveling the myths of trauma in "From Art of Healing to Artist Reborn" lab will leave you with a renewed sense of trust in your own authentic process, courage to reenter the stream of life with the experience of trauma healing as a loving companion rather than a terrifying adversary, and support you in discovering the sacred wellspring of healing and transformation at the heart of your trauma.

Ultimately, "From Art of Healing to Artist Reborn" provides an opportunity for participants to learn valuable tools and techniques for trauma healing, while also experiencing the powerful story of Pong's recovery and artistic rebirth.

Lyrics (English)

Doctor I ain’t sick, no strange or hidden illness
But you insist on curing me, like fortune telling, it’s killing me

I’m just angry not sick, you call this emotional illness
But not seeing the world’s sickness is a kind of crazy

Doctor I feel tired and dizzy lately
You wanna test my liver function
But you don’t care about the atmosphere outside
(Matt Force)
You’re sick, I’m sick, the whole world is sick
You are alive only when you are part of the turning toothed wheel
Swallow it in, speaking out, cry for help
Take it easy the doctor will do the trick

I know drinking hurts the liver and the energy without you telling me
Digesting all sorts of news
I don’t need to drink 
wine, I’m already drinking in sadness
(Matt Force) 
Pop the pills pay the bill
There’s nothing new under the sun, tomorrow and today
that’s the deal
Nothing to be revealed
No surprises 
Everything as I expected
Your existence is for my treatment

Doctor who would suddenly feel stuffy and congested
Throw around quotes, slap some labels, a man will become a god
If you are not rushing to give off medicine and take my money
Listen to me, my pressure level is gonna explode

Doctor I ain’t sick, no strange or hidden illness
But you insist on curing me, like it’s fortune telling, and it’s killing me
I’m just angry not sick, you call this emotional illness
But not seeing the world’s sickness is a kind of crazy
(Matt Force) 
Skyscrapers and ivory towers
Stone cold ideas hide sourness and sting
I clench my fist, aiming at the source of nonsense
But inevitably running into the unexpected at the end

And then there’s no and then
Pushed back, symbolically dead
Like witch hunt I’m outcasted and left in cold to starve

Seems near but far, on the other side
No matter how sad this desperation 
imma stay strong
Why that when I tell the truth and piss someone off
Or blow the cover of a scandal
You all accused me of bipolar

Maybe I should just eat, 
sleep and drink
Numbness becomes elegance
Like aimlessly living is the most replenishing

 (Matt Force) 
Living in this place
Which form or shape is considered healthy
When I’m living in this place
Empty labels makes one worry
Human beings like to divide and categorize
All truths and lies or the reasons behind
Doctor I ain’t sick, no strange or hidden illness
You diagnose but don’t listen, 
as if there’s no matter of the heart under the sky
Flaunting your practice from high towers is a sickness itself
Making the society sick
You all don’t know your place

(Pong + Matt Force)
Doctor I ain’t sick
     Living in this place
      Which form or shape is considered healthy

Who’s really the sick one 
      When I’m living in this place 
      Everything can make one worry

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